Monday, September 9, 2013

Thank you 7 o'clock class

I love my 7 o'clock exercise class. They are not over achievers, trying to beat their last PR. They are there to improve at a slower pace. I feel connected to them. They are nice to me. I am the slowest in the class. After one year of getting my ass over to class 4 times a week, I still lack so many functional and mobility movements. After a year of fantasizing that I will be one of those athletic ones, I know where I stand and I understand my limitations.

I hated the other classes though....

6am - 5:30 pm - 6 pm and 6:30 pm! I felt like a con interpolating myself in this perfect world of athleticism trying to match the expertise of others. But, everyone saw right through me. I was a bottleneck, reliability to their perfectly timed workout. No one wanted to be my partner and all the feeling of gym class poured over me, a child waiting desperately to be picked up by her classmates.

This is a tribute to all the nice people on 7 o'clock class, who simply accepted me and my abilities

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I poop at office

My boss doesn't let me come to the office at 9:30 instead of 9. I exercise and by the time I take a shower it will be 8:30. The office is just 10 minutes away but I am usually sitting in traffic for 40 minutes.

So, I cannot really eat breakfast at home and enjoy my coffee. I have to eat my breakfast while sitting in traffic in my car. I usually finish my coffee at work. Since after drinking coffee I need to take care of business, I poop at the office bathroom....

I absolutely hate it...

I hate public bathrooms in general, let alone the bathroom that all your co-worker use. Our company has one of those bathroom with 4 bathroom stalls. I hate the idea of going into the bathroom while someone is in there. I tried to make a plan when I need to go. I would check all the ladies cubicle and then go to the bathroom if everyone is at their desk.

The problem is if I take too long, someone might come. My stomach turns when I am trying my best to avoid all the surface in the bathroom and someone opens the door. At that moment I cannot do anything but think of million things... Did she hear me? Is she wondering why I am in the stall for too long? Does it smell in here....

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It is all Coffee's fault...

My husband and I are like Pat and Mat. It is a a Czech stop motion animated series featuring two handyman who think they are Geniuses but they are really two DUMB DUMB

So, here is the story...

My husband and I drink coffee to stay awake during work. We are no means an addict, so two cups would suffice.


You probably will not find another lazy couple like us!  We hate cleaning the coffee pot, so we usually drink instant coffee or enjoy our one cup Tasimo brewer.

As you might know, Tasimo is one of the first original cup coffee brewer. However, after seven years of owning it, the coffee started to taste stale and pure bad. For a while we bought instant coffee. If you ever tried the instant coffee, you know that the taste is mediocre and it can get expensive.

Since one of my husband's and I hobby is to explore Costco and try their samples... I know very sad.....
we noticed a long line of coffee products. Excited, I noticed a huge container of this exotic coffee. Feeling accomplished, I made a point that we should get this coffee. It is exotic, it is big and instant.. What could go wrong? After many arguments in Costco about the coffee being instant or not, we decided to get the coffee. Well, OK I did...

Next morning, very confident and happy, I opened the lid.......
We needed a Coffee Brewer.... you should of seen my husband face in the morning.

Feeling bad of being stubborn and paying for the coffee that Costco might not accept the return, I came up with an idea to just get a cheap coffee brewer from Ross and stop being lazy about washing the pot. A note here, I just graduated and my husband is still in school. We are pretty tight with money.

We went to Ross, choose a cheap machine, walked to the cashier, decided that we are still too lazy to clean the pot, left the coffee machine, left Ross, went to Costco, returned the coffee from Costco, and then went home.

Next morning, we were still out of good coffee and my hubby who is Starbucks addict started talking about Verismo, Starbucks single cup coffee brewer. When my hubby wants something, he just talks about it and talks about it and talk about it even  more... He convinced me that this is a fantastic investment. As Costco has their pods and we both can enjoy delicious Starbucks coffee at half a price. I have to say I was sold.

I took out our old wedding gift card and happily went to William Sonoma to purchase ourselves a new Coffee Machine. We looked like those newly weds giggling and amused by home products. Accomplished after buying our beloved Verismo, we enjoyed the complementary 10 samples, Starbucks provided in the box.

I even took our long friend Tasimo Machine to Goodwill.

Everything was fantastic until...

$1.25 for a cup of coffee... Are you kidding me! As it turned out we bought a wrong coffee machine. Costco and even Starbucks store carry Keuring Machine K-Cup. K-cups would not fit in Verismo, no matter what I tried. Searching online, I noticed that each Verismo coffee pod would cost us $1.25 and that would not even be a Latte. Now it was my time to be angry.......

Long story shot, we had to clean the Verismo and repack it for return. We finally managed to get a right coffee machine with right size coffee pods. After two weeks of being deprived of coffee, today I enjoyed my first cup of coffee... Hmmmmmm

Did I mention, we needed to change our toaster too? Lets write about that another time.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I am sitting in the office, watching as everyone microwave their lunch and hurrying back to their desks. What really happened here? Why are we so scared to sit together and have a lunch. I am usually sitting in the middle of kitchen with all my stuff scattered looking at these people rushing out of kitchen in case they feel force to converse with me. Today my lunch and fruit become stale. My own fault, I left them in my bag for a day. When I opened them, the salad was all slimy and and my fruit .... ahhh you don't want to know.

So, I am here writing, hungry and wanting to find a way to flee these morbid walls ... Finding a pleasant person who would like to have lunch.

Friday, November 16, 2012

This is my first blog ever in my life. I always wanted to write my thoughts, emotions and feelings but didn't know how to really give it life. today is a new day and I want to try express myself. I need an outlet to let go of my life and frustration. It might even be good feeling and emotions. So - here it goes first blog. Let me talk to you!

I was known to many as a old soul I feel old, out of life, out of breath. Sometimes I have this sensation that I am in the bottom of pool trying to survive, trying to come to surface and just gasp for one breath. No one seems to hear me, no one seems to see me. Probably this is the way of life for soul reincarnating and surviving many centuries in this world. I am not even sure if I really survived or just was being day by day, night by night until the day comes when I become cold and my soul leave ...

It is cold outside, raining, I am inside but still feel cold inside of me. Today, i just wanted to flee, to leave, to let go of the pain that surrender me like cold blanket. I wanted to ask the life to stop, so I can step out, to breath freely.

Maybe this old soul feel younger tomorrow!